Intuition Coaching + Assessment
Intuition is a combination of learning how to calm your mind and bring yourself into the right state of mind - like a deep state of mindfulness - so you can then receive and trust your inner guidance. The other aspect is learning all the ways your intuition speaks to you. It is very personal to you. I work with you to help you achieve a deeper state of calm and decipher which aspects of your intuition are the most active and easy to take to the next step.
Intuition coaching is all about going within, helping you hear and trust yourself. Along the way to getting calmer there will be aspects of your life that come up. It’s completely normal. This is where the coaching also comes in. I will help you process anxiety or fear, sadness, confusion, anger - whatever it is that keeps you from living in your flow. Your gifts WILL increase as you do this, and I will help you learn to identify what they are and how to take things further to apply to your everyday life.
Let’s look at the program!
Tools for Calming the Anxious Mind
The first bit of our work together will be helping you with any anxiety or difficulty hearing and trusting your inner voice. most of us have been in such a fast paced lifestyle so long we’ve lost our connection to our inner self and inner voice. It’s there, and you may realize afterwards, oh ya - I DID get a guy feeling about it but I wasn’t’ present enough or sure enough to act on it. So the part of our intuition coaching will be to help you get a bit more grounded and present. I have many tools to help with this process.
The Clairs
The next part of Intuition Coaching is about learning the Clairs - Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognisance. We go over each one and help you identify which ones are your strongest or most easy to develop first. There will be lost of exercises and examples, and some “homework” for you to do along the way to seeing your personal patterns.
Intuition vs Fear, Fantasy and Projection
Now comes the life altering and challenging part of developing your intuitive abilities. Discerning the differences between fear, fantasy and projection vs true intuition will be a deep and rewarding skill to achieve in yourself. By this point in the coaching you will have skills to center yourself and ask the objective questions needed so you have a much greater sense of when to trust those messages you get.
Intuition Coaching Program
Intuition Program Step One
The first step of the program is 6 hours done in 3 sessions where i explore your intuitive abilities and experiences, give you exercises and live practice, then give you an assessment of your abilities in terms of strength, but which aspect of your intuition is strongest.
Intermediate Intuition
This is the next step on your journey if you are having stronger experiences, flashes, visions, ability to predict or read people and situations accurately. If you need affirmation, more detail or depth, a sense of direction on how to integrate your abilities into your life, this is for you.
Advanced Intuition
Are you already aware you are an intuitive? empath? psychic? Have you had clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, predictive dreams, or seeing spirits for a long time or most of your life? Do people come to you for help or advice all the time ? Are you everyone’s confidant ? Are you not sure what to DO with your inherent gifts ?
This leg of the journey needs a commitment to deep dive and develop yourself while applying it to real life. It is the amazing and gutsy part of the training. You will trust yourself more than perhaps you ever have and be inclined to make big changes, maybe even magic :)