It starts with the numbers. One day, without knowing why, you seem to start seeing the same numbers on the clock without trying. Over days and week, you are seeing 1:11, or 2:22, or 12:34 etc. Eventually you will notice that they show up at interesting or significant times. Then you might notice that you feel an energy, a presence, a subtle power when they appear. You may then grow to notice that when you are off in seeing the numbers, it feels like a sign. You’ve been awakened. Welcome to the intuitive club.

 Spirit Guides and Other Dimensions

When you begin to awaken you start noticing more than just the numbers. You will start having more dreams - some predictive. You will sense energies, and over time you may discover that they are spirit guides or other entities (both positive and negative) It can happen quickly , almost shockingly - as if your psyche has been unzipped. It’s important to reach out at this point, talk to someone knowledgeable and grounded, and stay grounded. I can help you .

Some people wish to connect more to their Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Animal Totems, Fairies, or Interdimensional beings that area also often guides. If you dream of or feel a presence around you as you sleep or meditate, we can tune in together and see what nature of being it is and help you identify if it’s a spirit guide to be engaged with and heard, or if it’s something around you or your home that might need to be released and cleared.

Some signs that there is something around you or your home would be:

Seeing Light Orbs, Pets or Children seeing something or staring off at a point over and over where there is “nothing “ there, feeling cold or breezes in the home, cluttering one area and avoiding it, feeling something sitting on your bed or touching you, feeling warm and protected without a tangible reason.