Group Tarot Training

Dynamic and interactive

Group learning is wonderful when you can share the process and delve into greater discussions.  The group classes are kept small so everyone gets individual attention.  The tarot is taught in a semester system. The Major Arcana, The Minor Arcana , and Tarot Spreads, Readings and Ethics, are all the length of a university course.  

Classes are once a week for 2 hours - 12 weeks per semester

You will thoroughly learn the essence of each card by studying your chosen deck compared to the classic Ryder Waite deck and the Thoth deck. Each has its own core philosophy and ill see just how different each card can be depending which deck you choose.  

We practice reading with each other the whole way through so you can become confident in your deck

We so group readings so everyone has a chance to interpret the same cards and how many variations there can be when you use your INTUITION with the knowledge of the tarot. 

The last chapter is perhaps the most important because without the knowledge of how to spread the cards and interpret them you can be stuck forever in limbo and not get a deeper reading. It is also essential to learn how to coach and counsel people based on what you see in the cards.  In the last semester we go through a wide range of questions that come up during readings and how to handle some of the delicate situations.  We also go into how the different card spreads can be used depending on the questions asked. 


Tarot is truly fascinating and awakening - I hope you will join us this fall !

The fee per semester is $400.  You can contact me to arrage your payment